
Workplace Anxiety: Signs and Solutions

Reading Time: 5 minutes

Workplace anxiety is becoming increasingly common among Americans. In fact, Verywell Mind reports that about 40% of working Americans feel stressed throughout their day at work. At times, anxiety can be a healthy response to stimuli. Yet, too much anxiety can lead to a decline in an individual’s overall health as well as their ability to perform their personal and professional roles adequately. This is concerning given that, now more than ever, companies must rely on the ability of employees to self-regulate and manage their time efficiently while working from outside of a typical office setting. 

Anxiety is a feeling of unease generally associated with uncertainty surrounding the outcome of a specific action or the future as a whole. There are multiple forms of anxiety that can affect an individual and various ways in which they are displayed. It is important for an individual to recognize the symptoms of their anxiety in order to effectively determine how to best mitigate its occurrence and severity. So, what’s the difference between workplace anxiety and general anxiety which affects an individual’s ability to work? Here’s what you need to know about recognizing the symptoms and how to overcome workplace anxiety if you are struggling with it. 

Woman at Computer With Hands on Head

An Anxiety Disorder that Affects Work vs. Workplace Anxiety

When it comes to discerning between these two types of anxiety, the most important factors to consider are the intensity of their symptoms, their impact on daily functioning, and how consistently they occur. While experiencing some moments of anxiety is quite normal, anxiety disorders will typically be all-consuming and will include chronic, excessive, and —at times — debilitating symptoms. You may be seeking ways to overcome workplace anxiety, when in fact it may be a different sort of anxiety altogether. If an individual cannot perform their daily personal or professional activities as usual, it is probably worth visiting a mental health professional to understand if what they are experiencing is an anxiety disorder.

Signs and Symptoms of Workplace Anxiety

There are several different elements that we can look for when identifying workplace anxiety. Physiological indicators of anxiety can include things like increased heart rate, short and intense breathing, fatigue, weakness, sweating, trembling, clenched jaw, and tight shoulders. Emotional symptoms can include feeling restless, agitated, and short-tempered in response to the stimuli of others. Prominent psychological signals include difficulty concentrating, chronic worrying, and projections of anger or frustration onto others. If you recognize these symptoms in yourself, it may be time to seek workplace anxiety help before things get worse. 

Causes of Work-Related Anxiety

Anxiety is created by the perception of a threat. Oftentimes in the workplace, many of those threats are imagined, although sometimes they can be real. Overworking and overstimulation are common ways that anxiety is produced over an extended period. If we aren’t being mindful of our environment, prioritizing our mental and physical health, and taking time to disconnect from work so that we can reconnect with ourselves, anxiety will likely be a common companion.

Although stress is often villainized, not all stress is bad. There are actually two different types of stress: eustress and distress. Distress is the type of stress that we most commonly think of when we refer to “stress,” and it can have both short- and long-term harmful effects on us. Eustress, however, can engage and motivate us to work hard, elevate performance, focus more intently, be more adaptive, and achieve the goals we have set for ourselves (see diagram below).

Graph of Stimulation and Motivation Levels That Contribute to Workplace Anxiety

How to Overcome Workplace Anxiety 

When it comes to managing workplace anxiety, there are two elements that are important to know and implement as practices:

  1. In the Moment Anxiety Relief
  2. Anxiety Management Habits

Step 1: In the Moment Anxiety Relief

To be able to relieve anxiety in the moment, we must first be able to identify and bring awareness to the fact that we are feeling anxious. Once aware, we can turn to breathing and grounding techniques to bring ourselves back into the parasympathetic nervous system and feel more tranquil. 

One of the most effective “in the moment” breathing techniques is known as box breathing. Box breathing is a technique that navy seals are known for utilizing in high-stress moments to bring calm, clarity, and focus. It’s a simple technique and goes as follows:

Step 1: Breathe in for a count of 4 seconds

Step 2: Hold your breath for 4 seconds

Step 3: Slowly exhale for 4 seconds

Step 4: Repeat steps 1 to 3 until you feel the anxiety subside

Another technique we can utilize is becoming in tune with our senses via grounding. We do this by slowing down our breath, relaxing tense muscles, and identifying three things we can hear, feel, and see in that moment.

Step 2: Anxiety Management Habits

It is important to have daily habits and practices that support the adaptability of our internal systems. It is also vital for us to create patterns that make us more present and aware of our emotional states. We often think of self-care activities as being separate from our work life, but they are an essential part of any effort to overcome workplace anxiety. We can do this through 10 keystone habits that have been found to be effective in keeping stress and anxiety levels low:

  1. Adequate Sleep
  2. Reflecting on Your Day
  3. Healthy Relationships + Environment
  4. Meditation or Mindfulness Practice
  5. Hydration
  6. Consistent Morning Routine
  7. Planning Your Day
  8. Recalibrating (Taking Breaks)
  9. Nutritious Diet
  10. Exercise

Workplace anxiety can be caused by a multitude of stressors, plaguing associates and companies alike. It is known to reduce the efficiency of workplace operations, cause miscommunications and distance between peers, and potentially lead to high turnover rates. Ultimately, it is the responsibility of employees and the organizations for which they work to contribute to a healthy workplace environment in which everyone feels valued, respected, and safe. If you’re experiencing symptoms that are affecting your daily life, it’s essential to seek professional workplace anxiety help. 

Some ways that leaders can reduce work-related anxiety are to have candid meetings with employees about their successes and areas of possible improvement, create a flexible work environment, set soft deadlines for each project so that employees can prevent procrastination, and offer support when employees disclose their mental health diagnoses. If leaders do all of these things, they will mitigate the incidence of work-related anxiety and aid the overall mental health of employees, who will then be able to show up stronger at work.


Work takes up a huge part of our lives, so finding ways to alleviate anxiety is imperative to living a happy, fulfilling life. 

The best strategies to alleviate workplace anxiety include identifying triggers, practicing self-care, communicating with coworkers and supervisors, and seeking professional help if it is affecting your mental and physical health. 

If you are a leader looking to transform the well-being of your employees, consider partnering with Activate 180 to activate team growth, prevent anxiety, and empower them to do their best at work. 

Book a demo today to learn more about how our coaches can support your employees in overcoming workplace anxiety and improving performance. 

Zach Smith

Zach has been a trusted voice in mindset, career optimization, and leadership coaching for over 10 years. He has coached thousands of employees across mid-market and enterprise-level organizations, aligning their careers with true calling and passion to create total life fulfillment.


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